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Lola Guitars is a young brand whose main customers are musicians within the classic rock genre. The goal of the campaign was to reach other genres as well. One of the ways that was achieved was to use a 70s, psychedelic inspired style


The campaign consisted of video and photo ads for Instagram, Facebook and YouTube 

The brand had (and still has) no website. So the entire campaign had to be structured around social media channels only.

The final step of the campaign included a newsletter. The idea was to create one which would offer a more detailed look into how a single guitar is made, sharing the step by step process and displaying uniqueness and quality.  

Having a clientele made up of professional musicians meant that proof of quality is something they would want to see. Hence the newsletter content.

The campaign plan is consistent with the marketing funnel strategy.

Instagram/ Facebook ad

YouTube ad

Pages from Final exam, Antea, 2021.-2.png

This campaign was created before reels gained popularity on Instagram. If you're wondering why didn't this dumb dumb incorporate them :D 

hint: there's sound in the video ads


TAGS: social media ads, brand awareness

SOFTWARE USED: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects

Digital ads for a guitar making business. All the guitars are handmade, unique and tailored to the customer. No 2 guitars are the same.

A unique tone of voice was developed which would separate the brand from its’ competitors. The idea was to highlight the one of a kind aspect of the guitars.

This was achieved with short and catchy phrases;

“Only yours” and “plays only for you”. (translated)

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